Mark you calendar! Our Holiday Artisan Faire is December 3rd & 4th

Click the artists name to see a sample of their handiwork

Michelene Berkey | Krista Bermeo |Houri Borjian
Joanna Craft | Deanna Deeds | Mary Hammond
Beth Marx | Lisa Mertins | Elizabeth Nadler
Karen Nan | Jerry Sawitz | Tanner Sawitz
Monique Selwitz | Janet Seward | Katie Wilson

Join us! On Saturday, December 3rd and Sunday, December 4th, 12pm-5pm for our 9th Annual Holiday Artisan Faire featuring handcrafted jewelry, wearable fiber, ceramics, glass and gourmet treats from 18 artisans. Make a purchase and win a raffle prize from drawings held throughout the weekend.

Holiday gifts galore, all handcrafted for your gift giving moments. Discover jewelry in sterling silver, gold, mixed metals, enamel, crystal and precious & semi-precious gemstones from jewelry designers Joanna CraftMichelene BerkeyKrista Bermeo, Houri Borjian, Elizabeth NadlerMonique Berman Selwitz, and Janet Seward. Delight in wearable fiber such as scarves, shawls, purses, hats, household soft goods and more from Deanna Deeds, Mary Hammond and Beth Marx. Enjoy contemporary ceramics, large & smallfrom Lisa Mertins, Jerry Sawitz, Tanner Sawitz & Katie Wilson. Adore unique glass creations & ornaments from Karen Nan.

In the tent, we are happy to welcome back Nuvo Olive Oil for a tasty selection of olive oils & balsamic vinegars and Harris Family Apiaries best ever local honey. Enjoy melt in your mouth goat cheese from Drake Family Farms and Stache Coffee Company small batch roasters. All enticing for your holiday table and hostess gifts.

For updated information and to let us know you are jingling to join us visit our Facebook event